Friday, May 16, 2008

Large intestine cancerous symptom

N/med having blood in one's stool large intestine cancer is inchoate pathological changes is confined to mucous membrane, can not have a symptom, or only defecate is used to a change. When tumor grows to certain level, can appear n/med having blood in one's stool, color is much lighter dark, conglutinate at defecate surface.

Large intestine cancerous symptom

1. N/med having blood in one's stool large intestine cancer is inchoate pathological changes is confined to mucous membrane, can not have a symptom, or only defecate is used to a change. When tumor grows to certain level, can appear n/med having blood in one's stool, color is much lighter dark, conglutinate at defecate surface. When tumor volume is minor, because mucous membrane is still complete, won't go out to bleed now commonly, as the accretion of bulk, because inflammation, blood carries obstacle, machinery is stimulated,wait for a reason, mucous membrane produces erosion, ulcer, even tumor is broken;burst;ulcerate;fester and produce haemorrhage. When a few haemorrhage, naked eye is aware of not easily, and check of lens of excrement and urine can discover red blood cell, experiment of defecate occult blood shows masculine gender. When haemorrhage amount is larger, can appear naked eye blood. Haemorrhage color of cancer is large intestine more wine, the position jumps over close anus, color is more bright red. Partial patient is located in as a result of cancerous kitchen right half colon or stand by the ministry that answer blind, and blood is inside alvine path retention period is longer, also can appear be similar to on the asphalt kind that enteron haemorrhage forms. The size with haemorrhage quantity and swollen cancer does not concern into direct ratio, also cannot be cancerous swollen be caused by namely certainly, a few n/med tuberculosis that are not malign disease to if bowel,suffer from and chronic enteritis also have the show that n/med having blood in one's stool, and large intestine cancerous Yi Ke is only mucky occult blood is electropositive, n/med having blood in his stool without naked eye. Because malignant tumor is prognostic poor, be like can inchoate discovery to be able to improve prognosis apparently. Reason is right have blood or patient of persistent positive of defecate occult blood, should consider above all have large intestine the likelihood of tumor, should make further relevant examination.

2. Mucous mix purulent blood

3. Defecate is used to a change

4. The clinical expression that anal cancer patient often appears still has bellyacke and abdominal distension large intestine bellyacke and abdominal distension. The occurence rate with the more abdominal distension occurence rate with its painful middle is high. Aching property can be divided for secret anguish, blunt painful with angina.

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