Thursday, September 25, 2008

Smoking drinks increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach

Smoking can increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach 48% , quantity of smoking of longer, day exceeds smoking fixed number of year big, begin smoking age smaller, its danger sex is taller. Drink increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach 82% , the effect of drink liquor is the most apparent. Have a stomach chronic illness Shi Zheming is shown increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach, sicken fixed number of years is longer, its danger sex is bigger.

   smoking can increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach 48% , quantity of smoking of longer, day exceeds smoking fixed number of year big, begin smoking age smaller, its danger sex is taller. Drink increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach 82% , the effect of drink liquor is the most apparent. Have a stomach chronic illness Shi Zheming is shown increase sex of danger of cancer of the stomach, sicken fixed number of years is longer, its danger sex is bigger.

   smoking can increase cancer of the stomach to produce dangerous sex, bowel of mucous membrane of gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex, stomach is epithelial at the same time change the dangerous sex that gives birth to the pathological changes before waiting for cancer to happen to also show ascendant trend, and the person that begin to smoke the first time the age of smoking jumps over the small, frequency that smokes everyday to jump over the much, time that smokes continuously to grow more, of cancer of the stomach come on the risk is higher. Little part smoke can follow deglutition action when smoking enter a stomach inside, arrive even bowel. These smoke with gastric bowel directly mucous membrane contact, the place inside aerosol contains nicotine to be able to stimulate gastric mucous membrane directly, destroy protective screen of gastric mucous membrane, stimulative gastritis, gastric ulcer is formed, defer its to cicatrization, and one of pathological changes before the cancer that the gastric ulcer that serious prolonged does not heal also is cancer of the stomach. The smoke that enters respiratory tract is after as direct as respiratory tract mucous membrane contact, among them harmful composition can be absorbed blood, cause loss to the blood-vessel inside the stomach thereby. Smoking is one of critical factors that bring about happening of cancer of the stomach, because of smoke of this give up to preventing cancer of the stomach also be very important.

    drinks more apparent to gastric stimulation. A large number of for a long time drinking, especially liquor, alcohol content is high, stimulate gastric mucous membrane, make mucous membrane cell produces a change, cause each model gastritis, hydrochloric acid in gastric juice of as a result is lacked, the bacterium is able to breed, promoted carcinogenic substance inferior the synthesis of saltpetre amine, bring about happening of cancer of the stomach thereby. In addition, certain carcinogenic substance cannot be absorbed originally in food outside adopting enteron eduction system however, but the good dissolvent that alcohol is these carcinogenic substance however, promoted the absorption of certain carcinogenic substance.

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