Sunday, September 14, 2008

The dietary appropriate avoid of pancreatic cancer

Tall adipose high fever measures high cholesterol alimental to be absorbed in great quantities, and the abuse such as smoking, excessive drinking, sit quietly is not moved wait for undesirable lifestyle, make the pancreas of people has very big responsibility, the total incidence of a disease of pancreatic cancer also presents ascendant trend all the time, appeared low age the tide that turn.

What does the reason of     pancreatic cancer have?

Alimental of high cholesterol of high adipose high quantity of heat absorbs     in great quantities, and the abuse such as smoking, excessive drinking, sit quietly is not moved wait for undesirable lifestyle, make the pancreas of people has very big responsibility, the total incidence of a disease of pancreatic cancer also presents ascendant trend all the time, appeared low age the tide that turn.

Besides afore-mentioned critical factors, it is diabetic that pancreatic cancer still has factor of a tall danger. Consider to discover, diabetic course of diseases exceeds patient pancreas cancer of 5 years come on risk prep above is normal crowd. Because the diabetic can produce the insulin of excessive, this may promote the growth rate of pancreatic position cancer cell. The expert reminds new hair the diabetic wants to raise the vigilance of pair of pancreatic cancer, if treat Ⅱ only model diabetic and oversight the possibility of pancreatic cancer, as a result disables by diabetic cure, lose an operation probably to effect a radical cure the opportunity of pancreatic cancer. Additional, the patient that has chronic pancreatitis and heredity are familial history person, also want to notice the sieve investigates pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is coming on inchoate Chang Moming shows a symptom, just can appear gradually as the growth of tumor epigastrium is unwell, secret anguish, anorexia, disgusting vomiting, diabetic, angular, icteric wait sorely with the small of the back, suggest the patient at an early date that has this kind of symptom goes to hospital of tumor specialized subject eliminating tumor sex disease.


Appropriate eats more enhance immunity, fight food of pancreatic cancer action, be like fish of soft-shelled turtle, chelonian, sturgeon, shark, chub mackerel, hilsa herring, snake, yam, bean, Xianggu mushroom, big jujube.


Avoid is fat reach tall tallow fat food, avoid eats and drink too much, food crosses mildew of smoke of full, avoid, wine and hot excitant food, avoid to change, panbroil, food of sootiness, souse, avoid is hard, stick sluggish stodgy food.

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