Saturday, September 13, 2008

Epithelial tissue tumour (cancer)

From epithelial tissue (include to enclothe epithelial as epithelial as gland) the tumor that produce is most common, among them tumour of malign epithelial tissue (cancer) the biggest to human harm, the malignant tumor of human body originates for the most part epithelial tissue.

From epithelial tissue (include to enclothe epithelial as epithelial as gland) the tumor that produce is most common, among them tumour of malign epithelial tissue (cancer) the biggest to human harm, the malignant tumor of human body originates for the most part epithelial tissue.

One, tumour of benign epithelial tissue

Tumour of 1. tit shape (Papilloma) by enclothe epithelial happening, the natural disposition outside be being shown to the surface grows, form a lot of hands to show appearance or tit shape are protuberant, can present cauliflower shape or villiform outward appearance. The root ministry of tumor constant narrower Cheng Di and normal organization are linked together. Below lens, each tit by the branch state that has blood-vessel its axle center is made character between connective tissue, the hyperplasia that its surface enclothes is epithelial differ because of genetic place and different, can be scale shape epithelial (columnar and graph 7-9) , epithelial or divide with a hyphen at the end of a line is epithelial. Bine of outer ear path, block and bladder and colonic tit shape tumour happen more easily evil change and form tit shape cancer, notable.

2. adenoma (Adenoma) is by gland the benign tumor that epithelial happening, see the point such as gland of gland of Yu Jia shape, ovarian, mammary gland, saliva and bowel more. The adenoma of mucous membrane gland submits polypous form more (graph 7-10) , the adenoma inside gland organ submits nodal form more, and often have coating, with all round normal tissue dividing line is clear. The gland body of adenoma and body of its origin gland are not only on the structure very similar, and often have certain exudation function. Different the gland body volume that adenoma depends on only outside this, configuration is more irregular, arrange more concentrated also. Happen at having the adenoma of the organ of flocculus and tracheal structure, its flocculus structure often is short of be like or not apparent, also form without conduit, reason cannot its secretion eduction.

According to the compositive composition of adenoma or configuration characteristic, can divide its the adenoma that it is bursa, fiber adenoma, polymorphous sex adenoma and polypous shape adenoma to wait for a type again.

(1) bursa adenoma (Cystadenoma) : Because adenoma organizes deposit of medium gland body secretion,be, gland antrum expands gradually and mutual be in harmony synthesizes bursa, the bursa antrum that size differs is seen on naked eye, get a name consequently. Bursa adenoma often happens at ovarian, also see gland of Yu Jia shape and pancreas occasionally. Ovarian bursa adenoma basically has two kinds of kinds: One kind is gland epithelial to bursa tit shape is shown to grow inside antrum, secrete size, reason calls adenoma of shape of serous sex tit (Serouspapillarycystadenoma) ; Another kind is secreted mucous, often be much room sex, bursa wall is much smoother, rare tit shape is proliferous, call adenoma of mucous sex bursa (Mucinouscystadenoma) . Adenoma of bursa of shape of serous sex tit happens more easily evil change, cancer of gland of bursa of fluidity of translate into oar (Serouscystadenocarcinoma) .

(2) fiber adenoma (Fibroadenoma) : Except gland epithelial hyperplasia forms gland body outside, still accompany hyperplasia of many fiber connective tissue at the same time, make the substance of tumour jointly. This tumour is the benign tumor with female common mammary gland.

(Tumour of 3) polymorphous sexual gland (Pleomorphicadenoma) reachs a variety of composition such as cartilage appearance organization to mix composition by gland organization, mucous appearance. Often happen at saliva gland, particularly common at parotid gland, added in the past say to mix tumour. Think this tumour is by parotid gland intercalary is in charge of commonly at present epithelial with flesh a kind of tumor that epithelial happening. Because dispersive flesh is epithelial between can appear mucous appearance matrix, can change be born to be organized for cartilage appearance, form polymorphous sex characteristic thereby. This tumour grows slow, but excision hind has a relapse more easily.

(Adenoma of 4) polypous shape (Polypousadenoma) happens at mucous membrane, submit polypous form, the base of a fruit and mucous membrane are linked together, see more at rectum (graph 7-10) , among them the surface submits tit form or villiform person evil change rate is higher. This tumour also sees at the place such as colonic, stomach, polyp of sex of the colonic much adenoma that send a gender often has familial transmissibility, not only canceration rate is very high, easily inchoate happening canceration.

2, tumour of malign epithelial tissue

Call cancer by the malignant tumor that epithelial happening, see more at old people, it is the mankind's commonnest kind of malignant tumor. Cancer often grows with wellability give priority to, reason and all round constituent dividing line is not clear. The cancer that happens in surface of the skin, mucous membrane often submits shape of polypous shape, gill fungus umbrella or cauliflower form on the exterior, the surface often has necrotic reach ulcer to form; Happen inside the organ often be irregular nodal shape, sufficient condition of shape of the root that show a tree or crab to all round constituent soak, character is stronger, tangent plane often is hoar, drier. Below lens, cancer cell can show gland shape, mew shape or all alone shape is arranged, with qualitative dividing line is clear. Yi Ke is in qualitative inside show diffuse sexual soak grows, with qualitative dividing line is not clear. Meshy fiber coloring sees meshy fiber is not had more between cancer cell, and see only at cancerous mew all round. Cancer is in inchoate and general transfer via lymphatic path more, produce hematic path to transfer to terminal ability.

Common type of cancer has the following kinds:

Cancer of cell of 1. scale shape (cancer of Squamouscellcarcinoma) abbreviation scale, often happen in the body original scale shape is epithelial enclothed position, be like the place such as bine of the skin, oral cavity, lip, cervix, vagina, esophagus, larynx, block. Some place are like the place such as bronchus, cystic, renal pelvis, normal when although not by scale shape epithelial enclothe, but can carry scale state epithelial change be born and produce cancer of scale shape cell. Cauliflower form often is submitted on this cancer naked eye, because cancerous organization is necrotic,also can fall off and form ulcer. Cancerous organization also makes wellability grow to depth at the same time. Below lens, in the cancerous mew of the cancer of good in differentiation scale shape cell, the bridge between the cell still can see between the cell, thing is changed in the horn that a shape can appear in the center of cancerous mew, call horn to change bead (Keratinpearl) or cancer bead (graph 7-12) . The cancer of scale shape cell with poorer become divided is changed without horn bead form, also do not have the bridge between the cell even, tumour cell shows obvious surprise sex to see more nuclear dissension resembles.

Cancer of 2. base cell (Basalcellcarcinoma) sees more at old people facial like the place such as the palpebral, buccal ala that reach bazoo, by the place skin primitive and epithelial bud or base cell happen. Cancerous mew is main by thick the cancer cell of caught base cell kind is formed, this cancer grows slow, the surface often forms ulcer, can infiltrate destroy local and deep-seated organization, but produce move rarely, very sensitive to radiative cure, clinical on show low degree of malign course.

Epithelioma of 3. divide with a hyphen at the end of a line (the divide with a hyphen at the end of a line that Transitionalcellcarcinoma) comes from the place such as bladder or renal pelvis is epithelial, often submit tit form, send a gender more, can;burst;ulcerate;fester broken form ulcer or wall of extensive soak bladder. Below lens, cancer cell is like divide with a hyphen at the end of a line epithelial, show multilayer arrange, different sex is apparent.

4. gland epithelioma is from gland the malignant tumor that epithelial happening. According to its shape structure and differentiation degree, it is better for differentiation to can be divided, of the gland cancer that has gland system structure and low become divided, the solid sex cancer that forms hypostatic cancer mew. Gland cancer is secreted mucous more weigh mucous cancer.

(1) gland cancer (Adenocarcinoma) : More see wait at body of gastric bowel, cystic, uterus. Cancer cell forms size to differ, appearance is differ, form irregular gland shape structure, the cell often is arranged irregularly multilayer, nuclear size is differ, nuclear dissension sees like how (graph 7-13) . When gland cancer companion has many tit state cancer of tit shape gland is called when the structure; Dilate of gland antrum height shows cystiform gland cancer to call bursa gland cancer; The bursa gland cancer that companion tit sex grows calls cancer of gland of tit shape bursa.

(2) mucous cancer (Mucoidcarcinoma) : Call glue appearance cancer again (Colloidcarcinoma) , common at gastric bowel. Below lens, first when mucous accumulate inside cancer cell, squeeze the nucleus to a side, make this cell is become imprint drop record, friend says commonly to imprint cell of Buddhist monastic discipline (Signet-ringcell) . Mucous accumulation is after inside gland antrum, can be solved as a result of the collapse of gland body and form mucous pool. Right now, often imprint at small crowd or sporadic it is thus clear that drop record cancer cell floats among them. Naked eye view, cancerous organization shows hoar, wet, translucence is like jelly appearance, glue appearance cancer gets a name consequently.

(Cancer of 3) solid sex (Solidcarcinoma) : Or weigh pure cancer (Carcinomasimplex) , belong to the gland cancer of low become divided, malign rate is higher, happen at mammary gland more, minority can happen at stomach and thyroid gland. Cancerous mew is hypostatic sex, without structure of gland speech type, cancer cell different sex is tall, nuclear dissension resembles seeing more. Some cancerous mew are small and little, pledge between connective tissue is much, character is strong, call hard cancer (Scirrhouscarcinoma)(graph 7-14) . Mew of some criterion cancer is bigger more, pledge between connective tissue is opposite less, quality of a material is like encephalon, call pith appearance cancer (Medullarycarcinoma) .

3, hyperplasia of the pathological changes before the disease before cancer and cancer, SARS sex and former a cancer

The pathological changes before cancer of the disease before knowing cancer correctly, blame is typical sexual hyperplasia and former cancer is the important segment that prevents tumor happening to develop period of as soon as possible to diagnose tumor.

The pathological changes before the disease before cancer of the pathological changes before the disease before 1. cancer and cancer and cancer is the disease that points to to apparent canceration risk is had on certain statistic and pathological changes, if be cured not in time,transform likely namely for cancer. Accordingly, inchoate discovery and the pathological changes before the disease before curing cancer in time or cancer, have important real sense to the precaution of tumor. The disease before common cancer and pathological changes have the following kinds:

(Blaze of 1) mucous membrane: Often happen in the place mucous membrane such as esophagus, oral cavity, cervix and vulva. Epithelial and excessive hyperplasia and excessive horn change the scale condition that main pathology change is mucous membrane, the different with appear certain sex. White spot is shown on naked eye piece, friend says blaze. If do not heal for a long time,possible change is cancer of scale shape cell.

(Debaucjed of neck of palace of phlogistic companion of neck of 2) slow coach palace: It is the woman's common disease suffers from. The scale shape in ministry of vagina of the cervix on the foundation with chronic phlogistic cervix is epithelial be come from inside cervix canal columnar and epithelial place replaces velar monolayer, make the place is shown pink or vermeil, seemed to produce mucous membrane to be short of caustic epithelially, call cervix rotten to the core. Subsequently, local but by reborn scale shape epithelial place is replaced, call erosion to heal answer. If afore-mentioned processes undertake repeatedly, criterion a few case of illness is cancer of cell of cervix scale shape changeably.

(Mammary gland of sex of 3) fiber bursa is ill: This disease is caused by endocrinopathy, common the woman that controls at 40 years old, main show is gland of the hyperplasia with conduit of mammary gland flocculus and gland epithelial bubble, kubla khah to change unripe reach dilate of tracheal bursa sex, qualitative fibre also has proliferation between. The person that companion has proliferation of shape of tracheal endosperm head produces canceration more easily.

(Sex of adenoma of 4) colon, anal is polypous: Relatively common, can single shot or much hair, all can produce canceration. The person that send a gender more often has familial history, produce canceration more easily.

(Gastritis of sex of 5) chronic atrophy reachs gastric ulcer: When gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex, body of gland of gastric mucous membrane can have bowel epithelial change unripe, this kind of bowel is epithelial change be born to have particular concern with the happening of cancer of the stomach, be like long treat can not produce canceration more. Because the mucous membrane of brim of the ulcer when chronic gastric ulcer suffers exciting and ceaseless hyperplasia, thought to 5% may transform in the past for cancer, think its canceration rate is about now 1% .

(Colonitis of sex of 6) chronic ulcer: Relapse in ulcer and colonic gland cancer can happen on the foundation of mucous membrane hyperplasia.

(7) skin is chronic ulcer: The skin ulcer that prolonged does not heal and fistula, especially the chronic ulcer of crus, because be stimulated for a long time chronically, cuticular scale shape is epithelial and proliferous, some can produce canceration.

But must point out, cancerous formation often experiences endless, gradually the process of gradual progress, it is 15 ~ on average 20 years, and the disease before be not all cancer and pathological changes transform necessarily for cancer, this still depends on a lot of elements. Also be not the disease before all cancer already discovered clear cancer at present moreover, the research of this respect has important sense on the precaution of tumor.

2. SARS sex is proliferous (Dysplasia, atypicalhyperplasia) basically points to epithelial guide the hyperplasia of normal, the cellular size that expression is hyperplasia is differ, configuration diversity, the nucleus is big and thick catch, nuclear oar scale increases, the nucleus breaks up but grow in quantity but show normal nucleus dissension to resemble more. The cell is arranged randommer, extremely to disappear. The coverture that can happen at the skin or mucous membrane surface is epithelial, also can happen at gland body epithelial. According to its different sex degree is mixed (or) drag in limits can be divided for light, medium, heavy 3 class. Spend the blame that in mixing, spends gently typical sex is proliferous (2/3 of ~ of epithelial lower 1/3 is in drag in) , recoverable after the pathogeny is eliminated normal. And spend SARS sex again hyperplasia criterion drag in is epithelial whole layer is very difficult changeover, constant change is cancer. The disease before afore-mentioned cancer and pathological changes pass SARS hyperplasia more and produce canceration.

3. former a cancer former of a cancer point to the cortex on mucous membrane commonly inside or the blame model inside skin epidermis layer is proliferous (spend again) the whole layer with epithelial drag in, but the person that have not invade broken base film to be down infiltration to grow. For example cervix, esophagus and cutaneous former a cancer. In addition, produce canceration when bubble of gland of mammary gland flocculus and have not infiltrate to flocculus outside person, yi Ke calls flocculus former a cancer. Former cancer is a kind of inchoate cancer, consequently inchoate discovery is mixed active cure, can prevent its development to be wellability cancer, raise the cure rate of cancerous tumor thereby.

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