Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cell of the immunity below special condition can promote cancer cell to grow

A newest research of American shows, although the immune cell of human body can resist of outside bacterium inbreak, but fall in special condition, immune cell may promote cancer cell to grow.

A newest research of     United States shows, although the immune cell of human body can resist of outside bacterium inbreak, but fall in special condition, immune cell may promote cancer cell to grow.

Website of ” scientific news reports the “ alpha Galileo that sponsors according to British Association for the Advancement of Science, san Francisco of American California university is divided school accept of heart of researcher Davy · is more on an international meeting that Berlin holds, reported how cancer cell uses immunity to the cell grows quickly inside body and diffuse. Denaduo says, immune cell can identify pathogen, cause inflammation to be affected in order to restrict. When cut cicatrizations, inflammation subsidise, immune cell also pulls out. Inflammation also can be caused when some immunity cell encounters cancer cell, but what differ with common scar is, these immune cells do not pull out normally, produce a kind of abiding chronic inflammation however, be weighed for the tumor scar that never cicatrizations. In process of tumor scar heal, be attracted the immune cell that is in to cut not only the person that beat back inbreaks, arise possibly still grow factor, allow cancer cell to continue hyperplasia diffuses. In addition, there also can be new blood vessel to form inside human body, to get hurt the organization offers oxygen and nurture. This kind of new blood vessel can quicken cut heal normally, but cancer cell can use them to come proliferous.

Concerned research makes clear, the patient that the tumour of some types is taking aspirin regularly rarely produces move on the body, because aspirin can restrain inflammation, consequently can block up tumour diffuses.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The constituent cent of cancer of the stomach

Cancer of inchoate cancer of the stomach organizes layer of mucous membrane of be confined to and mucous membrane lower level, no matter have,deny lymph node to transfer, call inchoate cancer of the stomach. Its cent brief melt into 3 model: Apophysis, evenness, cave model. Little cancer of the stomach is inchoate cancer of the stomach only then hair phase, with the diameter 0. Cancer of the stomach is small cancer of the stomach under 5cm, 0. 6-1. 0cm cancer of the stomach is little cancer of the stomach, a general designation is little cancer of the stomach.

(one) general component

1. Cancer of inchoate cancer of the stomach organizes layer of mucous membrane of be confined to and mucous membrane lower level, no matter have,deny lymph node to transfer, call inchoate cancer of the stomach. Its cent brief melt into 3 model: Apophysis, evenness, cave model. Little cancer of the stomach is inchoate cancer of the stomach only then hair phase, with the diameter 0. Cancer of the stomach is small cancer of the stomach under 5cm, 0. 6-1. 0cm cancer of the stomach is little cancer of the stomach, a general designation is little cancer of the stomach.

Pathology of vivid check of gastric mucous membrane is diagnosed for cancer of the stomach, and pathology of successive section organization checks sex of section of pathology of classics of operation excision specimen fail to discover cancerous organization calls a bit cancer, consider as the special unusual display of little cancer of the stomach normally.

2. Into cancer of exhibition period cancer of the stomach constituent soak amounts to flesh layer or chorion layer calls progress period cancer of the stomach, also call medium, terminal cancer of the stomach, call layer of flesh of cancerous organization soak commonly metaphase, exceed flesh layer to call terminal cancer of the stomach. Cent of its cardinal principle for 9 model: Umbrella of nodal gill fungus, dish umbrella of shape gill fungus, local ulcer, infiltration ulcer, local soak, diffuse infiltration, the surface diffuses model, mix model, much hair cancer.

(2) histology cent

Devoir it is the organization with cancer appearance of structure, cell and differentiation degree are a basis, main component is common type and special kind.
1. Cancer of cancer of cancer of gland of shape of common type tit, gland tubal account, gland of low become divided, mucous gland cancer, imprint cancer of cell of Buddhist monastic discipline.
2. Cancer of scale of special kind gland, scale cancer, kind cancer, did not split up canceration of cancer, gastric ulcer.

3. Cellular configuration and systematism learn Laurens cent basis, it is histology type cent bowel, diffuse model two model. Consider to make clear: Rate of bowel become divided is higher, see more at old people, malign rate is low, prognosis is better; And diffuse model rather.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The cure of tumour of malign and alimentary cell studies

Tumour of malign and alimentary cell is the hypostatic tumour with a kind of malign very high rate, can cause include chorion cancer inside a variety of cancer, its happen general with gravid and relevant. Cell of this kind of tumour is easy transfer through blood, the patient has 60% to already produced lung move about when diagnose, 10% already produced cerebral move.

Tumour of malign and alimentary cell is the hypostatic tumour with a kind of malign very high rate, can cause include chorion cancer inside a variety of cancer, its happen general with gravid and relevant. Cell of this kind of tumour is easy transfer through blood, the patient has 60% to already produced lung move about when diagnose, 10% already produced cerebral move. According to statistic, because hydatidiform mole is evil,change every year the 2/ that the tumor of malign and alimentary cell that cause holds gravid female sum total 10 thousand the left and right sides. Although great majority is malign and alimentary cellular tumour is sensitive to changing cure medicaments, but the patient that still has 20% makes as a result of the non-standard cure of early days tumor is able to bear or endure medicine. In the past, be able to bear or endure the cure rate of alimentary cell tumour is medicine only 30% ~ 40% .

One considers to discover, much medicine is able to bear or endure medical gene MDR1 and tumour of malign and alimentary cell are able to bear or endure closely related property of a medicine. Below lab condition, turn through gene after the method that guide controls the expression of this gene, but will be able to bear or endure changeover of medical tumour cell is sensitive to changing cure medicaments cell. In clinical research respect, use intervene, the comprehensive treatment pattern that changes cure, target to be united in wedlock to cure and operation photograph, be aimed at patient tumour in installment, cent different, design for every patient individual the remedial plan that change, obtained very good curative effect. Current, this kind is able to bear or endure the cure rate of medical tumour already achieved 70% above.